OK, April's nearly over and I still haven't got the potatoes OR onions planted.
I'd made up my mind to go straight to the allotment after I'd taken the kids to school this morning, and guess what, it was pouring with rain. In fact it's rained nearly all day. Tomorrow I'm at work, so nothing doing until Wednesday.
Failing no 2
This is good news for me, but it is a bit of a cheat, so I'll class this as a confession too. My mum's husband (the real gardener in the family) has sown some seeds for me, and they're going to bring the seedlings over in a few weeks.
End of admissions of my gardening failings for today.
On a more positive note, I've finally decided on a planting plan for this year; I'm now trying to add it to the blog. Success!! Click here to view my plan.